Saturday, June 20, 2009


Here are the details for the Bucks women's training:

Sunday 21 June
3pm – 6pm
St Andrew’s Secondary School, 15 Francis Thomas Drive, near Potong Pasir MRT

Thursday 25 June
7pm – 9pm
Yio Chu Kang Stadium, near YCK MRT

Sunday 28 June
3pm – 5pm
Venue to be confirmed

Thursday 2 July
7pm – 9pm
Yio Chu Kang Stadium, near YCK MRT

The 15s competition will run on Saturday late afternoons July 4 – Aug 1. Want to play? Just come along to training or email us at for details.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

SRC contact rugby

SRC - the place to learn how to play contact rugby and have fun at the same time !

Join us on mon and thurs (till mid march) and mon and wed ( from mid march onwards).

time : 730pm

Do contact mei giet at or annabel if you're keen!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blacks RFC Women's Trainings

Blacks RFC Women's will be training towards the NRC 10s beginning the last week of February.

Trainings are generally at Saint Andrews School on the following days:
Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm
Sundays 3pm - 5pm

Please email Yilin or Weiyi at or if you'd like to get some game!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bucks training has kicked off for 2009!

Come and join us for BUCKS WOMEN'S RUGBY!

Training is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30pm - 9pm, SPE pitch on Bukit Timah Rd

Please email us at for more info, latest updates and to join our email list. 

Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary just be ready to learn something new, get a bit dirty and have a great time!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Everyone who plays rugby started from scratch ...

It's easy to pick up! There are the laws, which you will learn along the way but main thing is to have fun whilst working up a sweat!

I'm so unfit!  Different positions in rugby requires different types of fitness levels and rugby is a game for literally ALL shapes and sizes! 

I can't catch, can't run faster than the speed of light, can't tackle! - That's why we attend trainings to acquire new skills and get fitter! Who runs faster than the speed of light!

I'm too old! There's no such thing as too old! Just maybe too unadventerous!

Some Facts About Women's Rugby

* Women's rugby is a fast growing sport

* Beginners are always welcome

* Anyone can play Women's Rugby!

Learn more about women's rugby in Singapore

Camadarie and Respect

* It's a scary step to think about joining but the camadarie and teamwork required in the game will change your mindset!

* Once you've started - you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner..

DON'T WAIT ! Contact  any one of the representatives from the clubs (on the sidebar on your right) to find out about when training sessions are and how you can start!